New mothers beware, as soon as your baby is born keep them tightly in your care. For the Fae lurk in the shadows and always come running when they hear a newborn wail. They like to admire and swoon over a newborn left unattended during the night. They change the face and transfix your babe while slowly carrying him/her away when you are busy with other chores. But fear not, they won’t strip you of your title so soon. They’ll steal your love and in exchange leave their own behind. When you are done with your chores and finally come to greet your baby in the night, you’ll find him/her unresponsive and withdrawn, quiet and odd, never meeting your eye and will have a something wrong about them. They won’t ever act like a baby usually does. That is your gift from the denizens of the night. Their babe in exchange for yours, to raise and watch grow until one day they leave you behind. For they are often called home, and you are left without a child.