There are some that say that before Adam had his Eve, he had another gifted to him by God. Her name was Lilith. Unlike Eve, she was made from the sands of the Garden of Eden just like Adam. This made her his equal in every way possible. She was fierce, stubborn in her ways and never listened to her husband. She often spent hours on end with the animals in the Garden, caring for them a way a mother would for her children. She often chose the company of beasts over that of her husband’s which angered him. They fought often and never seemed to ever come to an agreement.
Having had enough Adam pleaded God for release from his ‘dreadful wife’. His wish was granted. Lilith left the Garden of Eden of her volition and set out to wander the Earth, leaving three angels who failed to bring her back in her wake. Eventually her wanderings brought her to the gates of Hell, into which she entered without hesitation. There she was welcomed by demons galore for they too were creatures cast out of the light and left forgotten in the dark.
While celebrating her arrival in hell, Lilith met one of the forsaken there. His name was Samael, and he became the father of her children. Her daughters were half human and half angels, for her husband was a forsaken archangel of heaven. One of her daughters went on to marry a son of Adam and another went on to be the first Witch known to mankind. Her sons took after the forsaken side of her husband and were born as denizens of hell. Hence, some call her, Lilith the first women, mother of devils and monsters.