Friendship at first sight isn't a thing for everybody.
For those who have walls built up high, it takes a great deal of patience to convince that there are good people; who are all about good intentions and macaroons.
I will always remember how you got me a SpongeBob pencil holder just because you heard me casually say that I love gifts and surprises.
We were just kids.
You were already kind.
Whereas I didn't even know the importance of being kind until you showed me.
And since then you've always been there for me.
In school and even after we left.
Here's to more shopping together (more like window shopping), great food, weird selfies and photoshoots in changing cubicles, me checking out people who check you out. And never ever forget the whole BK-Zac-Efron waiter experience. Obviously I already forgot his face despite intensely fan-girling him for half an hour.
Honestly, even though I know you love me, I still can't help feeling jealous when you mention your class mates who you can spend more time with.
You've had my back since day one.
And, you will always be the best about me.
With lots of love,
Your messy, clingy, talkative girl.
M. Gayathri
Age 21