When talking about books, the first thing that comes into my mind is ‘science fiction’. Not too scientific sometimes, but maybe just fiction. Whatever the book is, as long as it’s going to keep me interested, I’m going to love it.
When we hear the word “Books”, some of us would think, “what a boring subject?”. Some would say, “I love reading books” just to boast and when asked about the last book that they’ve read, they’d say a name of a famous book which we used to read back in the 5th grade - you'd assume it is totally a lie: an answer given for the sake of answering and to show that they are on the field.
But wait! There are ones who know how interesting a book can be, particularly, a book lover who gets excited when they see a book of their interest. (You should know that I’m talking about novels. Things might get confusing, you know. You don’t always get excited when you see a big biology book full of scientific explanations! But then again… it can be any book of 'your interest’. Who knows! There can be people who love these big science reference books. No offence!)
A book can take you to a whole different level of thinking and imagination. Especially if it’s fiction, the writer would make you wonder “how did he think of all these amazing stuff?!”. A good writer can create very realistic imaginary worlds (according to silly me *_*). He or she is able to describe where they live and invite us to be part of their world -which is extremely tempting to do.

Don’t give up on reading no matter how busy you get. It’s a habit of your life that can take you back to childhood, make you feel like an adult and show how it feels like to grow old. Well, rephrase it according to the stage of your life you’re currently living (Hiks!). So… don’t ever stop getting excited! Expand your imagination!