Christmas is an annual celebration on 25th December. The festival marks the celebration of the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ. In Christian mythology, Jesus Christ is revered as the coming Messiah of God. Therefore, celebrating his birthday is one of the most joyful occasions among Christians. The Performing Arts Avenue of the Spectrum Student Society organized the vibrant “Winter Wonderland” event on the 22nd of December 2022.

The premises was decorated with beautiful, traditional Christmas décor with ritualistic events taking place such as bible reading and Christmas carols which exhibited the origins of Jesus Christ. The gathering was served with Christmas dinner, sweet meats and many cheerful games took place as the final events of the Christmas celebrations.

A special thanks goes to the organizing committee as well as faculty for making all of this possible and providing a chance to rejoice and create priceless memories
May the true meaning of Christmas “To give up one’s very self – to be selfless–to bring about great happiness and love to others” be in our minds not only during Christmas but also throughout the new year!
Merry Christmas!