Editor’s note- Prepare yourself. You’re going to be questioning a lot of things by the end of this article.
Existentialism- what is it? One could explain it as the philosophical approach in understanding and coming to terms with existence. However, there is another facet to the complex workings of existentialism which believes that the individuals that experience it face a crisis on one’s own existence.
Seated, staring into the abyss and wallowing in the meaninglessness of creation. Congratulations, you too have undergone the excruciating realization that you, a small being part of an insignificant civilization on a small rock part of a small solar system wandering about in the endless cosmos, a cascade of events unfolding light-years away oblivious to the trials and tribulations of humanity. In the eyes of the grand scheme of the universe our lives may seem small. The fact that time may erase all evidence that our race even existed. The thought that the eventual death of the universe will leave not even our descendants can be daunting and it is. However all is not lost, all events that take place may not have a purpose or meaning, our birth and lives a simple statistical coincidence but there is solace.
Life by itself is an incredulous event shaped by multiple factors and improbable odds, however, you are here. Everything you do may have no real meaning, and erased by time or the achievements by better peers; but meaning itself can be derived from oneself. There is nothing that can be considered unimportant from your perspective, since importance and meaning comes from one’s self. The future is meant for the individual experiencing it and so what is to be done for one’s future should be governed by the individual and not their surroundings. De carte stated, ‘’ I think therefore I am’’. Live meaningfully since you were given the opportunity of existence.
