Mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how one perceives the world. American psychologist, Carol Dweck from Stanford University was the first to establish the concept of growth and fixed mindsets. She defined a fixed mindset as a state in which people believed their intelligence and talent were static and unchanging. A growth mindset was where people believed their intellect and talent could be enhanced with effort.
The fixed mindset does not consider intelligence and talent to be something that can be improved. Consequently, people with a fixed mindset are often intimidated or threatened by the success of others. A fixed mindset leads people to believe that efforts put in cannot alter innate ability. Avoiding difficult situations, considering feedback as a personal critique, and giving up easily, are common features among people with fixed mentalities.
A growth mindset means that people believe that their intellect and talents can be enhanced by efforts and actions. Such a mentality views failures as temporary and changing. Growth-minded individuals are inspired by the success of others. Willingness to embrace challenges, viewing feedback as learning opportunities, and putting in efforts to learn are commonly seen among those that have growth mindsets.
Modern studies of the brain have shown that it can be reshaped over time and new neural pathways can be formed. Neurosciences have shown that the brain can change through growth, so a person with a fixed mindset can change to form a growth mindset. There are many ways to do this and here are a few steps that could help you develop a growth mindset in 2022.
The first step to developing a growth mindset is to understand that we can change our brains to learn and grow. Experimenting with new things can stimulate the brain and make it form or strengthen the neural pathways, thus reshaping the brain over time. Changing your inner thoughts from "I'm not good enough" to "I can improve if I practice" helps to develop a growth mindset.
Although a comfort zone allows one to feel secure in themselves, it is often necessary to put oneself in challenging situations, thereby gaining new experiences which helps in developing a growth mindset. Accepting failure as part of the process and learning from mistakes help in the positive development of a growth mindset. It is important to prioritize the process rather than the result and reward oneself for the effort put in even if the result is a failure.
It is essential to develop a growth mindset to advance throughout life. The New Year is the best time to have new resolutions, so it's a good time to start developing a growth mindset.
