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Life of a reader


I have always been a reader according to my mother. My reading life began with those kindergarten books with huge colorful pictures. Going to the book fair every September is one of my favorite things in the world. I never felt like reading was an extra obligation in my life because it came so naturally and easily.

“For readers, one of life’s most electrifying discoveries is that they are readers – not just capable of doing it, but in love with it. Hopelessly. Head over heels.” Stephen King- Finders keepers

These words caught my attention and took me on a long memory lane. It made me realize the truth in those words that I am indeed head over heels in love with reading. There are days when I have skipped meals and sleep in order to finish a novel. I remember reading a book under my covers with the help of a flashlight once my mother forced me to sleep. The first thing I always did (and still do) at the end of a stressful period is to buy a huge load of books and isolate myself from everyone, even my family. Needless to say that this has led to many scolding sessions from my parents.

I have read that there is no right book for anyone and the book automatically becomes the right one for you. Every book I read had an impact on me. I feel like the right book finds you at the right time. I have found emotional support in books- they’ve led me towards doing things I never would have done. There are books I cried for and books that made me laugh out loud. There are books that made me gasp out in shock and books that made me stop reading chapters in fear.

My favorite outcome of being a reader is that I met my two best friends because of books. We bonded over books that we read and had very long discussions about them. We would run towards each other every morning at school and shout random facts about the chapters we read the day before which probably made others think we were insane. Who would have thought that a bundle of papers would make my life this much better?

As C. S. Lewis (the creator of Narnia himself!) says, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

Amaya Karawgoda




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