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The Discrepancy Chapter 1


Updated: Nov 3, 2019

By Black Rose

Chapter 1

‘Spring, the season where the flower blooms again…. Everywhere you look, it’s full

of color and life. The sound of people talking to each other full of life, the birds singing with

cheerful tones, the sun shining gently above you. Spring it’s life again!

And amidst of those people, there you are, dead! alone! In the midst of colourful

flowers, there you are… rotting, dying and just waiting for someone to pluck you out.

But no..! no one dares to come near or even touch you. It’s like they want you to

just stay there. To see what a disgrace looks like. To be a reminder that you’ll never be just

like the beautiful flowers surrounding you. It’s a punishment. You were being punished for

even existing, a decision which doesn’t concern your opinion. Existing is not even a choice,

yet you’ve been punished for it!

It’s like……….’ Adshhshhkdggdhhfthjfffffff arrrgghhh!

I closed my laptop and heave a sigh! What the heck am I even writing? I smack my lips in

annoyance and look up at the clear sky.

People always admire the sky and feel inspirational by it. But y can’t I feel anything?

I put my laptop in the bag and stand up from the slide, picked up the bag and began to walk

towards my apartment which is just across the paly ground I’m in.

I walk past by the blind guy who’s always sitting on the swing………. Giving him a frown

before looking ahead.

He often goes in this park and just sits on the swing as if he’s waiting for someone or

something for almost all day!!! I never talked to him or anything, only would stare at him


I looked back at him. There’s a positive aura around him even though he looks like he’s

drowning in sorrow?? How can he… how can he have a positive vibe?? How can he look so

cheerful even though he’s wasting his time probably waiting for no one??

Like a teenager in love waiting for his date that will never show up??

While I……. I am always whining about how’s life treating me and how yI never want to be

born that way.

Just look at him, he’s blind yet looks very hopeful. While I………

I can feel jealousy as u look at him……….. Hate myself.

. . . . .

Just as I place the bag down, my phone began to ring. Jeff’s name is flashing on the screen

and I sigh, picking up my phone to answer his call.


“another job for you. Be here at six !” Jeff said. Then BEEEEP ………….

He cut the call. I plop down on my bed and stare off in to the space for a while before looking

at the clock. I don’t know why I lost my energy all of a sudden. Is it because of that blind guy?

Or is it because once Jeff gave me the mission my hands will become dirty again??

I sigh again, laying down for some more minutes before getting ready.

I’m outside of my apartment and about to cross the road. I look from right to left to see if there are passing cars, but then….. my eyes stopped at the playground across me. A frown takes over my face when I see some kids in that abandoned playground.

The kids are picking up on ‘him’, snatching his cane and throwing it away from him.

What the……… I cross the road and you can hear their conversation.

“please stop that….” Said ‘???’

I freeze for a moment, jeeze his voice is deep yet surprisingly gentle..!

but the kids just continue to mock him.

“ why don’t you look for it? Ohh that’s right! You can’t since you are blind!” a kid said.

I suddenly have the urge to punch those kids and teach them a lesson. But decided to watch

them a little, and see how the guy on the swing will do.

The guy didn’t say anything, while the kids continue to tease him. He simply doesn’t react to

any of them. They fought him with words and the guy fought back with silence. Soon the kids

got bored and go.

The guy just sit there, not bothering to look for his cane. ‘ to give the cane or to not……..’

I want to give his cane back, but don’t know what’s stopping me. I stare at the guy for a while

before sighing and walk towards the cane and pick it up.

‘wow, a person who killed numerous of people is gonna help a helpless blind guy, just wow!’

I walk towards him and stop few steps away from him. He looked up slightly and even though

he can’t see, you feel like he’s staring in to my soul.

I met his eyes..! don’t know why, but my heart clenches a little bit. His eyes just look so………

lonely. Just like mine. I quickly avert your gaze away from him.

“here” I said, giving gave him the cane.

The moment he grabs it, I immediately turn around and walk away, not letting him say


. . . . . . .

I opened the door slowly and peek inside, scanning the area and Jeff’s not there yet. I let out

a sigh of relief.

‘good he’s not here yet.’ I’m about to take a step when someone blows on my ear and I let out

a shriek.

“why are you late?” Jeff wakes up his voice.

I turn around to see his ‘gentle’ smile and can’t help but to shiver.

“ mmmmm traffic? I carefully gathered your words.

“ don’t mess with me. I know you walked to get here.”

“human trafficking?” I just try to be cool.

“ I bet you don’t even know what that means” he states rolling his eyes.

I am usually a good liar. But with Jeff, I can’t even think of a good lie. Or more like he can see

through my lies.

“ I helped someone.” It’s me again.

“ you helped someone?” he smirks. He’s clearly amused with what I said. “ that’s kinda

new you know”

I huff for what he said. “ am I not allowed to help someone?” I talked back.

“ dear your job can already help someone by killing the person that’s no longer needed

in this world. He casually states.

“ can’t I help someone without killing?” he went silent.

“ do we have the right to be nice or to be receive kindness after killing hundreds of

people?” it’s My turn to fall silent.

Is that the thing that make me feel guilty whenever I’m helping someone too, is what I want to

ask Jeff but decide to stay mute. My job is making my beliefs and thoughts confused. Should I

be proud of my job since I eliminate the evil once or be ashamed since I am also part of that


“anyways, my mission? I asked sitting down across him and try to forget the

conversation I had earlier.

“this one is pretty easy” he said slipping a paper on the table.

“ there’s this man who kidnaps women and sell them. He’ll hide them in his place then

find a client who’s willing to buy the women. The transaction takes place in his own place…. “

he suddenly sneers.

“such an idiot. Can’t he sell those women in a more private and hidden place?” He

talked to himself.

“ apparently his apartment is already a private place.” I said with a chuckle and look

at the address written in the paper and the picture of the man. “hmm he looks pretty young”

“yeah .. anyways, tell Eddy and Ronald about your mission. Don’t let anyone see

you kill that man. If someone did, then kill them on the spot and report immediately to me.”

Jeff states.

“so.. I only got one night to finish this?” I waited for his reply and he nods.

“he’ll meet his client around nine, so finish him before they meet” he ordered.

“wait…, the women is already in his apartment right? Then if I kill him….?”

She’ll see me.

“ just like what I said, if someone saw you on the act, then kill them too and report

me. Simple…’ he said carelessly.

“but…….” His warning gaze made me shut up.

But what if she’s an innocent women! What if she has kids or family waiting and looking for

her? I bite my lip. This is the part when I start to really hate my job. I don’t mind killing people

who does disgusting and evil things. But to kill an innocent person who has no choice but to

be there, is just a bit too much for me. I purse my lips and look down.

“okay..” it breathily came out of me.

I just have to find a way where I can kill him without a witness. I heard Jeff sighing. I look up to

him through your lashes.

“ I know you don’t like killing innocent people, but we got no choice” he said. I just


“ it’s okay. I know. I’ll get going now” I stand up and ignore Jeff’s apologetic gaze.

. . . . . . .

I got out of the place and call Eddy and Ronald who’s in my team and tell them about the

mission and the plan. Ronald is a hacker and Eddy is someone who hides the body, traces

and takes care of the documents. And my only job is to kill and leave the rest to them.

I’m planning to get the man away from his place then kill him where no one can see me.

Jeff said that the client is a rich businessman so I pretended to be his secretary.

After few minutes of talking to the target, I lead him to his final destination.

“ uhhh where’s his car? I can’t see it” the man said doubtfully. I swiftly take out my

knife in my pocket. let’s end this quickly” I stab with full force between his shoulder and the

neck. The man didn’t have enough time to realize what was happening.

Blood began falling out immediately. He fell down on the hard concrete, and after a second

he’s no longer living in the world. I stare down at the lifeless body.

Even though My hands were shaking, I took a call….


To be continued…..



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