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The DIscrepancy Chapter 2


Chapter 2

…………… a part of me hate what I just did, killing another human being... But another part of

me think he deserved it. Well it’s not like I can take it back.

Better tell Eddy to clean up this mess…

I clean my hands and wrap the knife in a cloth. I’m about to leave the scene when I felt my

phone vibrating in my pocket. I slip my phone out to see the message.

From: my troublesome boss  ;

“just a favor, can you go to my apartment building’s rooftop and bring down the black potted

plant inside my place? Thanks!”

I scrunch my nose as I read his message.

Me :

Can’t you do that when you go home? I don’t wanna go all the way to your place.

My troublesome boss  :

pleeeeeeaaaase.. my plants might die if you let them stay out there another minute.


Then why did you bring them up in the first place?

Jeff can be pretty weird and annoying sometimes… well most of the time.

I have to go to his place, do this petty favor for him… Or maybe I can just ignore it and ask

somebody else to do it for me, Hmmmm…

Oh whatever! Let’s just get this done. Ugh... Why is he taking advantage of my kindness?

I purse my lips and head to his apartment.

. . . . . . . .

I pant as I climb up the stairs. Why did he have to put the damn plant all the way up there?

Once I reach the top, I pant trying to catch my breath… and also my brain cause apparently it

left my head! I am such an idiot that I didn’t notice that there’s a lift. I stare at the elevator with

a blank face.


I just shake my head and start looking for the plant. A gust of wind came and suddenly

something got in to my eye. I tried to blink hoping to get whatever it was out and that’s when I

caught the sight of something on the floor… something very familiar…

A cane…

Wait isn’t this….?

I look around and confirm my thoughts. My breath hitches seeing him.

What the…?

It is the blind guy from the park! He is standing at the edge of the roof top holding on to the rail

trying to balance himself.

My whole body freezes and I can’t think clearly.

Shit.. why is he.. is he gonna…?

Instinctively I walk closer to him. The guy finally notices that he is not alone and his

expression turns stern.


I halt.

“why are you here? Nobody comes here at this hour.”

“Well, I’m just here to do a favor for someone. And I find a guy who’s trying to commit suicide!

I don’t know if I should just ignore him and do my business, or convince the guy not to commit

suicide or to push him off the building myself.” I said smiling sarcastically even though I know

he can’t see me.

I wanted to sound like I don’t care if he jumps off the building or not but my voice comes out

shaky. My mind is going 100 miles an hour trying to decide what I will do if he actually jumps

But why the hell does he want to jump off the building? He looked fine earlier. Or at least I

thought he did...

He looked cheerful and bright earlier. What happened now?

Even though I have constantly seen him sitting on that swing and talked to him once, I gotta

admit I’m concerned about him.

“ just pretend that you didn’t see me and mind your own business”

His voice sounds so weak and tired. I stop the urge to give him a sarcastic comeback. I am

even more surprised when he suddenly begins to tear up. My eyes soften as I look at him.

“ just….. I want to escape from this…”

His tears continue to fall as he hangs his head low.

“ I’m so tired of living like this. I don’t even know how to start.”

His words feel like a stab to my heart. I can deeply relate to his words. For someone with a

job like mine, I’m not really free to do everything I want. I always have to be careful and I can’t

associate with many others. I need to keep my identity a secret and keep my schedule free

since I don’t know when I might have to go on a mission. I always wanted to escape from my

current life and start a new one.

I want to be reborn..

But how can I start?

“ I ………. “ He looks up as I begin to talk. “……… feel you” I take another step closer.

“ I may not know your past is and I don’t even know who you are. But yeah, I feel you. I didn’t

choose this path for myself. Heck, I don’t even know how I became like this… yet I find it very

amusing that I can wake up every morning after all the things I’ve done. I want to change.

Yes, I really do. But when it comes to them I am nothing. I can’t do anything against them. I

need to obey their orders and if I don’t, I’ll be punished….. I

wanna give up. I wanna escape… I wanna run away. but I never ever thought of killing myself.

Because I still want to live. I want to experience things. I’m still hoping that someday I’ll be

free to do everything I want.”

My eyes become blurry and I try my best not to cry.

We’re both drowning and even though in different places, that doesn’t change the fact that

we’re both drowning…… we’re both suffering and we both want to breathe again.

The guy just stares at me with a tearstained face savoring my words.

“You think killing yourself is the answer to your problems. Yes! It may end the pain but will it

satisfy you? Are you fine dying without what you want?” I say softly.

“ b..but….” He stuttered. His eyes waver as he looks at me. He may be blind, but I feel like he

can actually see through my soul. His blind orbs hold many emotions that are overwhelming to

look at.

“….. I don’t have anyone. I don’t have someone I can rely on to help me.”

Yes I have Jeff who’s the closest to me. But I can’t really ask him for help since his freedom is

also limited by them. I can’t share my thoughts with him. Basically, I have no one.

As much as we wanna stand on our own, we can’t. It’s just that. If humans are mean to live on

their own then there should only be one human in the world.

“Look, this might sound crazy since we only, well, we only met today, so….. “ I take another

step forward and reach out to him.

“….. why don’t we…help each other.?”

He keeps looking at me silently.

“let’s be friends and help each other begin again.” I smile gently at him as he looks directly at

me. It looks like he’s contemplating if he should accept my offer or not.

“ I don’t know how we can help each other since we can barely help ourselves…” his sounds

defeated. His voice is low and deep which somehow calms me. He slowly looks up to meet

my eyes again.

“but I guess this is what I wanted….. a Friend…” he returns my smile as his surprisingly warm

hand accepts my cold one.

Can two drowning people save each other……..?

To be continued…..



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