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Editor’s note: This article is brought to you by a very positive personality. The tips are all very valid.

Have you ever met someone who just bursts with energy? He or she lights up whichever room they walk into, putting smiles on people’s faces. Just encountering them makes your day a little bit brighter. If nobody comes to mind, then either you ARE that person, or you need to start surrounding yourself with more positivity! Positive auras do exist. When someone has a positive personality, it is not uncommon that he or she will spread that positivity to everyone around them. By doing so, they automatically become more likeable and trustworthy to everyone they meet.

Life does get hard sometimes. Certain circumstances make it almost impossible to remain a pocket full of sunshine, but there are so many ways you CAN change your personality to spread happiness and positivity to those around you! Here are some ways in which you can spread the love;

1. SMILE: It is absolutely amazing how far a smile can go. Most people fail to realize how easy it is to make someone’s day just a little bit better simply by smiling, and you losing nothing while you’re at it! A smile is a sign of empathy, positivity and connection that not many people can resist! Smile at everyone; your friends, mentors or even strangers you meet on the road. You never know how badly they might actually need it, or how you might have just changed someone’s day for the better.

2. Give a genuine compliment: If your friend or partner looks especially good-looking today, tell them! If their hair seems shinier, smile seems brighter or mood seems more positive, let them know! We humans act as if we have so much to lose just by paying someone a small compliment, when the truth is; it could honestly make someone’s day. People have the tendency to get so caught up in their day-to-day lives that they sometimes forget to take a minute to appreciate the people around them and NOTICE their efforts. By taking just a moment to give someone a compliment, you are spreading positivity and good auras, while possibly creating a ripple effect if they decide to spread the love!

3. Help someone out: Altruism, or the characteristic of helping someone while expecting nothing in return, is a quality that is hard to culminate for most people. As we go on with the hustle and bustle of life, do we even have the time to help others? The answer is, YES. Nobody can ever possibly be TOO busy to spend a few minutes helping someone in need. Whether it is helping your mom with the laundry or offering a stranger to carry a heavy bag in a crowded bus, the gift of HELPING is one that is highly contagious in the world of positive auras! When you help someone in need, you are inspiring them to help others in return and in your own little way, creating a more positive community.

4. Listen to positive music: Music is a great way to pump some positive energy into your body and get into a better mood! While songs about heartbreak and misery are beautiful in their own way (you can’t say no to Sam Smith!), learn to unwind with some good upbeat pumped up kicks! A good song has the power to change your mood and also transform the energy that is within you! ‘Thunder’ by Imagine Dragons and practically the entire playlist from ‘The greatest showman’ is a good place to start!

5. Last but not the least, be POSITIVE: It’s hard to fake a positive aura or energy. While things can get out of hand at times and you will feel stressed, tired and hopeless, it is important to maintain a positive mindset. The law of attraction states that whatever you expect is what you will receive in life. Always trying to culminate positive, healthy thoughts will attract only positive, healthy situations! Remember that everything happens for a reason, and even the worst situations can be quickly overcome with a positive mindset and attitude. HAKUNA MATATA, GUYS!


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