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Unusual therapeutic activities


Updated: Jul 29, 2019

I think one thing that we can all agree on is that university is demanding and nerve-racking. Assignments, deadlines, exams, lab reports, attendance, journal club, compulsory meetings, mock exams – just listing down all of these is making me so stressed out about the semester! Given the fact that most of us are most likely stressed, we need some way to relax ourselves that doesn’t involve seeing an actual therapist, pills or crying. If you are like me and cannot find the patience and discipline to mediate or do yoga then this article will help, as I have compiled a list of simple activities that I find relaxing and hopefully this can help you in some way:

1. Watching the sunset. We are lucky enough to be born on an island and even luckier to be in Colombo!. If you ever find yourself free at around 6 then my advice to you is go to the beach and see the sunset. A sunset is a beautiful reminder than even the most stressful days can have a beautiful ending, and as every day brings a completely different sunset, this activity never gets old! (PS: if you ever need to know the exact time the sun sets, then ask a Muslim friend)

2. Adult coloring books. Coloring isn’t just for kids anymore! If you can’t draw and you feel like you aren’t artistic then worry no more because EVERYONE can color. You can buy these books for about 200 bucks at most bookshops and you lose track of time as you get lost in those pictures. If you don’t have the right materials to colour, then doodling would work too! (PS: If you don’t believe me, just ask Arun about coloring books- he’s an expert)

3. Vent. I can’t tell you how liberating it feels to just complain about how unfair the world is. So, if you feel like everything is going wrong then give yourself 25 minutes to vent to a friend. Tell them about how stressed or sad you are. After that 25 minutes is over, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue with your day, hopefully in a better mood. (PS: If you are the friend that has to listen to someone vent then my advice to you is don’t try to offer solutions or advice, just nod your head and say ‘that sucks’)

4. Watch your favorite tv show/ cartoon or listen to music. Sometimes the best way to de-stress is to completely escape reality. Forget your problems for the about 30 minutes and go into the world of your favorite character or get lost in the music that cheers you up. (PS: This is a risky venture so make sure you time yourself, because the last thing you need when the deadline is near is to realize that you wasted 2 hours watching FRIENDS- you can ask Himi how that feels!)

5. Have a cup of tea/coffee Maybe it is the Sri Lankan gene in me that thinks tea is a drink for every occasion. So, if you have 15 minutes to spare then a take a walk to Divine, PaanPaan or to any small kade nearby and have yourself a cup of tea/coffee. (PS: If you like plain tea and don’t want to walk then if you smile and ask nicely then damayanthyaunty will let you make your own plain tea. Just remember to SMILE when you ask)

6. Take a nap Napping is the human version of ‘turn it off and turn it back on again and maybe it would work’. The best thing is, just like electronics – most of the time, a nap does work. You wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever task was overwhelming you before!

7. Go eat. Just like the Snickers ad says, “you aren’t yourself when you are hungry”. If you ever find yourself grumpy and in a bad mood –chocolate or a good meal can lift your spirit. (PS: One of the best ways to get make yourself stay for an afternoon lecture is to convince yourself that you deserve ice cream if you stay for the whole class)

8. Talk to your friends. It’s the simplest solution. We as humans are social creatures so if you ever feel overwhelmed then just talk to a friend – they would most likely help you find something to laugh about or be the therapist that you can’t afford. (PS: If you don’t have anyone to hang out with at a certain time and if you see Himi, then just say anything about FRIENDS or GOT and you have now got yourself a new friend).

9. Go to Viharamahadevi Park or Independence Square. It’s just a couple of halts away by bus. You can go cycling if you have the energy or you can just lay down in the grass and breathe. It’s the Central Park of Colombo so just go there to enjoy the trees plus if you’re REALLY stressed out, you get to shout and run around and no one would care. (PS: Make sure you don’t go on weekends because it would be crowded and all the crying children may make you more stressed)

HUGS! There’s no need to explain myself on this one. Hugs are like anti-depressants that need no prescription! And if you one of the lucky people who have pets then cuddle your animals to death! (PS: If you don’t have a furry friend then watch videos of cute animals)


By: Editorial board 2018


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