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Breath of Heaven '19


In the blink of an eye, December came and all talks within our campus were about Christmas-y things like decorations and carols and party preps! Or was it about our never-ending assessments and exams? Let’s just say, a little bit of both. If you couldn’t make it on the 20th of December, 2019 at 6 pm, here’s a walkthrough on the fun you missed out on. It’s pretty hard to capture each moment with mere words, but eh, it’s worth a try.

An eye-catching Christmas tree stood at the entrance. Taking a closer look, you’d notice it was made entirely of plastic bottles. It was a mini-project done by the green army, chaired by Anjana Kavinda and Sathushana Balachandran. “Eco bricks” were collected from students and set up to form a beautiful Christmas tree.

The numerous rides to Pettah and back, the ladder climbing, going up three fleets of stairs and back down, staying on till late. It was all worth it in the end. The baubles across the lobby with strings of sparkling Christmas lights was a fresh breath of heaven indeed.

A wooden decorated backdrop, beside it an evergreen Christmas tree standing proud behind the nativity stable. The event began with the beautiful Ave Maria instrumental. It set the mood as the choristers who held pleasantly glowing candles, walked in. When the carols and hymns were sung, it was as if a chunk of heaven fell down and landed right in our lobby.

Next was the entrance of our favorite Christmas figure, Santa Claus! His “Ho! Ho! Ho!” and whisking of candy set roars of laughter and excitement across the room. Our cute tots from Siri Sariputta Vidyalaya, Colombo then received their Christmas presents that were generously donated from the student body, from Santa himself.

Time for games! Paper dancing reached a whole other level with some partners being carried over the shoulders and while others were being held the way you cradle a baby! Musical chairs led to the opening of our dance floor with DJ’s excellent mixes bringing the best moves we had out to the open. When our feet got tired, we exchanged presents from our Secret Santas. The night came to an end with a delicious Christmas dinner and many storage full phones.

We thank the Vice President, Vindya Senanayake and Directress, Thisari Pathiranage of the Performing Art’s avenue for their initiation. Especially thankful for the effort and hard work of Induni Chimasha and Dave Fernando, the chairpersons of the event that allowed signing off 2019 extra special.



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