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Food to become brainier!


Food is the ultimate source of energy to our body therefore it has a direct impact on the functioning of the brain, our breathing, heart rate etc. The well-known quote “You are what you eat” is no joke, but in fact very true!

Many studies show that the food we eat is correlated to impaired or boosted mental health. For example, food containing high amounts of sugar lead to conditions like mood disorders and depression. Here’s a list of food to help improve your cognitive functioning.

1. Extra-virgin olive oil

Take a table spoon of extra-virgin olive oil and gulp it down your throat. You would notice a spicy feeling at the back of your throat. This is due to a phenol called oleocanthal. Oleocanthal stimulates over production of the enzyme that breaks down Amyloid plaque, which is responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, a tablespoon contains the recommended intake of vitamin E per day. Vitamin E protects body structures, like the brain, from wear and tear due to age. If gulping down oil through your throat feels unpleasant, make it the main oil used for cooking in your household.

2. Avacado

It consists of an abundance of pigments like carotenoids, luteins and zeaxanthin. These pigments, along with healthy fats (which are also main components of avocado) are involved in boosting brain’s processing speed. You can have half to a whole avocado a day sprinkled with salt and extra virgin olive oil or slice it up and add it to a salad or blend into smoothie to enjoy!

3. Dark chocolate

Inspite of it being a rich natural source of Magnesium, it carries an abundance of flavenols. Flavenol is a type of polyphenol that is able to reverse brain aging, increase insulin sensitivity and improve the blood flow to the brain. A dark chocolate bar a week is sure to keep your brain (and taste buds) happy!

4. Eggs

Rumors say that eggs are the pioneers of cholesterol. Well, the truth is that it’s a source for cholin, an important component of the memory neurotransmitter- acetylcholine. They can be scrambled, poached, fried or soft-boiled.

5. Almonds

Aren’t they just the most convenient snacks? Plus, their skin has a pre-biotic effect that provides an anti-oxidising property to gut bacteria. It also contains fat soluble Vitamin E that improves memory. It’s best if you don’t exceed more than a handful as it has a lot of calories that will directly contribute to weight gain.

When you say bye to processed foods and say hello to food rich in nutrition, you will have immediate extra benefits other than an extraordinarily functioning brain. You will find yourself losing a healthy amount of weight, have increased stamina and energy and you will feel less hungry and feel happier and more social!

Esther Swamidason

EBH 2022


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